Our beliefs are based on the word of God. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and we seek to follow the Bible in all practices. A person can receive the gift of salvation through faith and obedience to God. In order to become a Christian, one must hear the word of God, repent of their sins, confess that Jesus is Lord and be baptized. This allows a person to receive the forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit and be added to God's kingdom. (Acts 2:38)


for peace


The Bahamas International Church of Christ is a church of Christians who adhere to the teachings and beliefs of Jesus Christ. We are associated with the International Churches of Christ and have been organized here in the Bahamas since 1993. We currently have two congregations in the Bahamas, one in Nassau and one in Freeport. Our members  are committed to living their lives in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible. We read and strive to abide by the entire Bible and hold it to be inspired and inerrant. We expect every member to be a disciple of Christ as defined in his teachings. The Biblical Greek word for church is "ecclesia" which means "the called out". We have been called out from religion mediocrity, spiritual error, atheism and agnosticism, into a meaningful, vibrant relationship with God. We have Suns and mid-week services which are conducted for the purpose of worshipping God, providing biblical instruction and fellowship to meet the spiritual needs in the Bahamas.

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prayer list


those in need

Sick & Recovering in our fellowship

Families grieving loss of loved ones

Elderly church members

Churches in The Caribbean & Worldwide


Come Grow With Us!

Marrieds Ministry Session:​

Topic: "A Deeper Love...Beyond the Vows"

Place: The Cancer Society

Date: Thursday, March 30, 2023 @ 7pm

Upcoming Easter Beach Service

Sunday April 9, 2023 @10am
​Goodman's Bay Beach

A time of Worship, Fellowship, Food & Fun!

Worship Service

Sundays @10am

​B.C.P.O.U.Hall, Farrington Road

Virtual Mid-Week Service:
Wednesdays @7pm
Zoom ID: 843 1519 9278
Passcode: Disciples